Air Combat USA
Target Travel ‘Goes Dog Fighting’. Real Dog Fighting in real military aircraft, you get to do the flying and fighting, it’s not a simulation and you are not there just for the ride. We must admit it’s much better if you have a mate to go head-to-head with, but it’s not necessary. You fly Italian-built ground attack aircraft that is fully acrobatic and strong enough for a proper dogfight. You will sit side by side with a ‘vet’ who’s just as enthusiastic about winning as you, perhaps more so. Target Travel ‘Goes Dog Fighting’ was, without a doubt, the most exciting thing I have ever done!
Dog Fighting in military aircraft. A once in a lifetime experience, you fly and you fight. As The Sky Channel once suggested, Number One of the world’s top ten adrenaline experiences.
We must admit it’s much better if you have a mate to go head-to-head with, but it’s not necessary. You fly Italian-built ground attack aircraft that is fully acrobatic and strong enough for a proper dogfight. You will sit side by side with a ‘vet’ who’s just as enthusiastic about winning as you, perhaps more so. Without a doubt, the most exciting thing I have ever done!
My old school friend Mark had watched the top ten adrenaline experiences on Sky TV and Air Combat USA was number one. They have a base in Los Angeles but each summer tour pairs of aircraft around the US, staying a few days before moving on. Due to business commitments and the timing, our most convenient summer base was Long Island, NY. Our first dogfight was over Long Island NY in 2005 and the rematch was in 2008 from Los Angeles over the Pacific near Catalina Island, See the link to my blog below for more details:
Blog 1 – Head to head for the first time
Blog 2 – Q & A for all those interested
Blog 3 – A re-match, head-to-head for the second time
Spitfire- A few words from a client who sent his father up in one for his 80th birthday

Blog 1 – Head to Head for the first time
My old school friend Mark had watched the top ten adrenaline experiences on Sky TV and Air Combat USA was number one. We both love aircraft so had to have […]
Blog 2 – Q & A
Blog 2 – Q & AIn answer to a few friend’s questions – the duration; feeling sick and the UK version….At Air Combat USA they try to teach you to […]
Blog 3 – Re-match
Blog 3 – RematchThe 2nd Air Combat USA dog fight, our re-match.So who won?Hummmmmm well…….Last time two years ago we battled over the Atlantic off Long Island, the weather was […]